Nebula 2
Nebula Two.iso
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// PlayerUpView.m - see header file for more info
#import <gamekit/gamekit.h> // Header file
@implementation PlayerUpView
- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frm // designated initializer for a view
[super initFrame:frm];
margin = 2.0; // "margin" around the player image
numUp = 0; // start with zero; up to game to set properly at start
return self;
- setImage:anImage { image = anImage; return self; }
- (int)numUp { return numUp; }
- setMargin:(NXCoord)newMargin { margin = newMargin; return self; }
- setImageFrame:(NXRect *)aRect
NXSetRect(&imageFrame, NX_X(aRect), NX_Y(aRect),
NX_WIDTH(aRect), NX_HEIGHT(aRect));
return self;
- incNumUp:sender
numUp++; [self update];
fprintf(stderr, "Inc number of one ups to %d.\n", numUp);
if ([delegate respondsTo:@selector(oneUpAdded)])
[delegate oneUpAdded];
return self;
- setNumUp:(int)newNumUp
if (numUp == newNumUp) return self; // no change so leave.
numUp = newNumUp;
fprintf(stderr, "Set number of one ups to %d.\n", numUp);
// this message usually comes at start of game, so assume
// that we should reset the extra man bonus points...
[extraManBonusTracker resetBonus];
return [self update];
- (BOOL)decNumUp:sender // returns NO if player has no xtra men left.
if (numUp) {
numUp--; [self update];
fprintf(stderr, "Dec number of one ups to %d.\n", numUp);
if ([delegate respondsTo:@selector(oneUpUsed)])
[delegate oneUpUsed];
return YES;
if ([delegate respondsTo:@selector(allOneUpsGone)])
[delegate allOneUpsGone];
return NO;
- drawSelf:(NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount // redraws the view.
{ // this is inefficient; I always redraw the entire view...
// Since this View is redrawn so little, I don't care-it's good enough.
int baseCount = numUp; // counts down to zero to fill view
int x, y;
NXPoint pos; // where we'll splat the base in the view
PSsetgray(NX_LTGRAY); // opaque background
if (baseCount > 0) {
// start at bottom row; move up
y = 0; pos.y = (imageFrame.size.height + margin * 2) * y + margin;
while ((pos.y < bounds.size.height) && baseCount) { // y loop
// start at left, move right
x = 0; pos.x = (imageFrame.size.width + margin * 2) * x + margin;
while ((pos.x < bounds.size.width) && baseCount) { // x loop
// splat the base on the screen
[image composite:NX_SOVER fromRect:&imageFrame toPoint:&pos];
baseCount--; // update vars
x++; pos.x = (imageFrame.size.width + margin * 2) * x + margin;
y++; pos.y = (imageFrame.size.height + margin * 2) * y + margin;
} }
return self;
- read:(NXTypedStream *)stream
[super read:stream];
NXReadTypes(stream, "if", &numUp, &margin);
NXReadRect(stream, &imageFrame);
image = NXReadObject(stream);
return self;
- write:(NXTypedStream *)stream // you must call NXWriteRootObject to
{ // invoke this method
[super write:stream];
NXWriteTypes(stream, "if", &numUp, &margin);
NXWriteRect(stream, &imageFrame);
NXWriteObjectReference(stream, image);
return self;
- scoreChangedFrom:(int)oldScore to:(int)newScore
// use a bonus tracker to give out extra guys...we need to be the score
// keeper's delegate for this to work! (GameBrain will do that for us)
fprintf(stderr, "Score change from %d to %d, xtra man at %d. ",
oldScore, newScore, [extraManBonusTracker bonusValue]);
if (!extraManBonusTracker) return self; // no bonuses given...
if (([extraManBonusTracker bonusValue] >= oldScore) &&
([extraManBonusTracker bonusValue] <= newScore)) { // crossed it!
[extraManBonusTracker advanceBonus];
[self incNumUp:self];
if ([delegate respondsTo:@selector(oneUpAwarded)])
[delegate oneUpAwarded];
fprintf(stderr, "Bonus awarded.");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
return self;
- setExtraManBonusTracker:tracker
id oldExtraManBonusTracker = extraManBonusTracker;
if ([tracker isKindOf:[BonusTracker class]]) { // make sure right class
extraManBonusTracker = tracker;
return oldExtraManBonusTracker;
return nil;
- extraManBonusTracker { return extraManBonusTracker; }
- delegate { return delegate; }
- setDelegate:anObject
id oldDelegate = delegate;
delegate = anObject;
return oldDelegate;